Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're Making a Movie

I'm not sure if it's a Western with werewolves, or if it's a werewolf movie with cowboys. But it's one of those two. Because every now and then, you just have to make a movie about cowboys and werewolves. You've gotten that feeling, right? Am I alone on that? Moving on.

I wrote Wolf Moon about a year ago. It didn't take long to write, which is obvious in that it's only seven pages in all. In theory that will equate to about seven minutes on screen, which suits me just fine. It tells the story to the extent that I feel is needed, and it won't take $100 million and ten months to produce. Which is good. When I wrote it, I never really thought it would be made. It was a fun little exercise to keep my writing muscles honed between semesters. But I showed it to some people and they seemed to like it, and one of them, Ryan Steiner, liked it enough to want to make it appear on film. He's directing it, as I'm focused on being a writer and technical thingamajigs like cameras and lights and actors scare me. At this point, I'm just along for the ride.